Rosmerta Digital's Vehicle Ownership Experience redefines convenience and efficiency in vehicle registration and compliance solutions. Our comprehensive suite of services is designed to cater to the diverse needs of modern vehicle owners and businesses.
New-age D2C
OEMs selling to
Companies dealing
in Used cars
Rosmerta Digital is a premier partner for cutting-edge Last Mile Service Delivery solutions. Our commitment to excellence and innovation ensures swift and secure delivery of High Security Registration Plates (HSRP) through our HSRP Last Mile Enablement services. With a focus on efficiency and convenience, our services guarantee the seamless last-mile delivery of licence plates, whether it's from embossing centres to dealerships or directly to customers' homes.
Delivery To Dealerships
Customer Home Delivery
And Fitment
1 day delivery TAT for new HSRPs
Rosmerta Digital offers a comprehensive range of vehicle parts, including but not limited to Body Parts, AC Parts, Hydraulics, Suspension and NVH Systems, Aesthetics and Lighting, and Clutch-Engine-Drivetrain components. Our diverse selection ensures you find the right parts to meet your vehicle's needs.