ITMS includes Telematics device, monitoring solutions, hosting and operational capability.
ITMS is deployed in Automotives, Mining, public distribution, logistics, solid waste management, petroleum & public transport organisations.
STU order for VTS and Passenger Information System for 18,000 buses and 1000 bus stop boards in MSRTC.
Compliant to
IS:16833 standards.
# Mining trucks on ITMS
# of households covered under waste management system
Share of Business 14000 TFMs*in Goa
GPS integrated AFMs* in NCR
# of MSRTC buses with passenger information system
# of Successful Govt. ITMS projects
AIS 140 Certified
VLT Device with CAN connectivity and Emergency Button
IS: 16833
Certified IRNSS based Auto/ Taxi fare Meter
Dashcam - for AI based Driver Monitoring System with ADAS Function
India’s Largest SLD Manufacturer Variants Fuel Control, Cable, Fly by wire
OBD Tracker
To cater to retail car segment